Enhancement requests should be posted to the bug database, as described


That will make sure it doesn't get lost, and will be addressed at some

Martin Cooper

On 13 Jan 2003, Jay wrote:

> Requested modification of tiles/InsertTag.java
> I appreciate your ExceptionHandler concept and use it for capturing
> critical errors, thoroughly logging both error and context information
> and forwarding to a special web page that displays very concise
> information about the error (error reference number, etc)  However, for
> completeness sake, I wish to capture any serious errors that occur in
> the "forwarding" phase beyond action handling processing, where,
> particularly using "tiles", one or more JSP servlets are run.
> I found a solution that seemed straightforward.  Since I already
> sub-classed TilesRequestProcessor to override one of the other "process"
> methods, I simply overrode processActionForward, wrapped the call to the
> super class in a try/catch block, and forwarded accordingly if an
> exception is thrown.  Below shows the pertinent portions of the
> override:
> protected void processActionForward(HttpServletRequest request,
>                                         HttpServletResponse response,
>                                         ActionForward forward)
>         throws IOException, ServletException {
>         try {
>                 super.processActionForward(request,response,forward);
>         }
>         catch (Throwable ex) {
>                 // Log information, etc
>                 ActionForward errorForward;
>                 // Fetch special forwarding for critical errors.
>                 .
>                 .
>                 .       .
>               super.processActionForward(request,response,errorForward);             
> }
> }
> The "snag" I ran into was tiles/InsertTag.  The normal behavior of the
> class is to broadcast the error message on the web page and "carry on."
> Specifically, from the inner protected class
> InsertHandler::processException():
>         protected void processException(Throwable ex, String msg) throws
>                         JspException {
>                 .
>                 .
>                 .
>                 .
>                 } else { // show only message
> pageContext.getOut().println(msg);
>                 } // end if
> Could you kindly consider moving the real processing of
> processException() to a method inside InsertTag itself so that users may
> easily sub-class to override the "broadcasting" behavior?  In other
> words, could you do something like:
>         protected class InsertHandler {
>                 .
>                 .
>                 protected void processException(Throwable ex.msg,String
> msg)  throws
> JspException
>                 {
>                         processTilesException(ex,msg);
>                 }
>         }
>         /** Real work done here
>          */
>         protected void processTilesException(Throwable ex, String msg)
> throws
>                         JspException {
>                 .
>                 .
>                 .
>         }
> I would be greatly appreciative if you consider this very minor change.
> Thank you,
> Jay
> --
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