Hello everybody,

I am still quiet newby in struts technologies, but i am
working on a mvc framework for 2years and when i started
2months ago using struts i was supprised : everytime i want
to push some information from my action classe to my jsp i
must take the request or the session.

So writing a struts application is not simple because it
need knowledge of servlet and jsp technologies.

I am hacking the code to add an abstraction layer, but i
prefer do a proposal before submit a patch. This is a better
way to standardize the API and to have a stable release more
quickly ... or to retake a good way if i am

I propose a sessionManager, which is a technical wrapper to
the session. It is able to take care of the mappings,
request and session.
I add three context :
a ViewContext, a HashMap, into which you push your data. So
you don't have to take back the request or session anymore.
The viewContext should be use to manage business data as
well as technicals ones ...
a ModuleContext, this is an intermediate level betwenn the
request scope and the session scope. information in
available only in the module where you are.
a SessionContext, this is a wrapper for session. Information
are available at any time in any module.

One advantage of the module is the segmentation of
information, so you can't have anymore conflict into 2
modules when you push data into the session object.

I also change the signature for the execute method :
ActionForm XXXXX (SessionManager, ViewContext,
ModuleContext, ActionForm)

I do not include the mapping because i am searching an issue
to make the navigation available to the developper : it
should be automatic and only in exception case do
redirection. (i don't have found the better way yet).

I have not inserted the name of the method because i propose
an enhancement into struts-config for action tag. We should
add a command tag, if it is present, the method called will
be the named, else it will be the standard execute method.
So when you have lots of action on a screen, it will not
need lots of action class, only bigger one ...

We are able to do the transformation with backward
compatibility, ie into 1.2 family, or into 2.0 family, as
you prefer. But it will need lots of modifications into

We can do the modification in 2 times, the first (into 1.2)
could be only the add of the new interfaces, and preserve
backward compatibility, the second one into 2.0 family could
be total refactor of the core request processing and also
add new transport protocol (ie ftp, soap, ... ) to make
struts open for new technologies as IRC services ;)) ...

I am waiting for your comments,

Emmanuel Feller
Senior Developper
Cap Gemini Ernst & Young
+33 2 51 17 35 00 phone 3716
+33 6 23 34 63 39

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