Note: Our application is built using Struts 1.0.2, so we are dealing with
the process methods of ActionServlet. However, I think something similar
would apply to the RequestProcessor of Struts 1.1.

We found ourselves subclassing ActionServlet to insert custom code into the
processPreprocess, processMapping, and processActionPerform methods. While
this satisfied the requirements of the application, it was less than ideal
from a design point of view because the Servlet class that we were creating
had multiple and and mutually unrelated customizations all lumped into it.

The solution to this was to create an ActionServlet that allows custom
classes to be specified for methods from web.xml, allowing us to mix and
match as we please:

 <!-- This class implements the MappingProcessor interface, which specifies
a process() method to called from ActionServlet.processPreProcess -->

 <!-- This class implements the MappingProcessor interface, which specifies
a process() method to called from ActionServlet.processMapping -->

 <!-- This class implements the MappingProcessor interface, which specifies
a process() method to called from ActionServlet.processActionPerform -->

Is this the kind of thing that would be a generally to the Struts community
? Or am I missing something, and there was already a way (either release or
in progress) to accomplish this separation of concerns?

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