At 14:44 +0100 6/5/03, PILGRIM, Peter, FM wrote:
This could work well. How does this processor pattern
solve the problem where the RequestProcessor stores
data member? E.g. The list of Actions recorded against
a ModuleConfig.

The list of actions is only really used by one process method so it doesn't need to be shared.


That's a good question. Maybe the interface for processor modules should take two arguments, a "StrutsRequestContext" like what you described, which would have these properties:

That's all I can see that is handled as variables in the "process" method scope. This would be an object instantiated at the beginning of "process(request,response)". Then a second object, "StrutsModuleContext" with these properties, with public accessors, only a public mutator (setter) for actions:
actions (a mapped property)

I guess you could just expose accessors in the RequestProcessor interface for those things, but this approach insulates classes which implement the interface from changes in the idea of a "StrutsModuleContext"

Also, by using this object, you can compromise on making those things truly public because the RequestProcessor is the one who decides when to pass the StrutsModuleContext in to a method call.

This object would be created during RequestProcessor.init(servlet, moduleConfig)



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