In final testing of RC2, some compatibility issues have been found between Tomcat 3.3.1 and the struts-exercise-taglib application as well as the tiles-documentation application.

Martin Cooper has been looking into the problems and has found that for the struts-exercise-taglibs cookie test, it is the

<jsp:getProperty name="sess" property="name"/>

expression that is failing.

The <jsp:getProperty> tags earlier on the page succeeded. The only
difference seems to be that the earlier ones all have setters as well as getters in the Tomcat CookieFacade class, whereas there is only a getter for 'name'. So this actually looks like some kind of JSP/reflection bug, not related to Struts. (The <bean:cookie> tag must have worked, because we know the <jsp:getProperty> tag is trying to access a cookie!)

Also, the (rather complex) comparison test is killing the JVM when run under TC3.

In the Tiles application, servlet exceptions are being noted. One example is the extendedDefinitionTag page, but there may be others.

Unless fixes to these problems are immediately forthcoming, I propose that we document the issues and release Stuts 1.1 beta 5.

By getting this milestone out to the community, we would have a better chance of resolving the remaining issues so that we can go to Struts 1.1. final as soon as possible

This proposal has my +1.


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