I am trying to prepare patch files for the dynamic style declaration using
the resource bundle.  I am using WinCvs and am having two different problems
with the diff reports it churns out...

1) The first is that it says there are changes to code I haven’t touched.
Example: “cvs diff –u BaseHandlerTag.java”
@@ -881,9 +1019,9 @@

-     * Searches all scopes for the bean and calls BeanUtils.getProperty()
with the
+     * Searches all scopes for the bean and calls BeanUtils.getProperty()
with the
      * given arguments and converts any exceptions into JspException.
-     *
+     *
      * @param beanName The name of the object to get the property from.
      * @param property The name of the property to get.
      * @return The value of the property.

I can fix most of these by adding –i –w, but the example on the jakarta site
says just a –u is preferred.


2) The second problem is it picks up the wrong changes, this seems to happen
99% of the time with javadoc function headers.
Example: “cvs diff –u BaseInputTag.java”
@@ -150,26 +145,6 @@

-     * Return the property name.
-     */
-    public String getProperty() {
-        return (this.property);
-    }
-    /**
-     * Set the property name.
-     *
-     * @param property The new property name
-     */
-    public void setProperty(String property) {
-        this.property = property;
-    }
-    /**
      * Return the number of rows for this field.
     public String getRows() {

If you took out all the code with ‘-‘ it would still be correct.  But its
not the *correct* list of changes that were made.


This all leads to my question of what exactly are done with the diff
reports? If they are just read by developers trying to understand the
proposed changes, I think I would want to tinker a bit to make the report as
accurate as possible to the changes being made. If they are actually used in
a script to actually *make* the changes down the road, I need to not touch
the report.

Thanks for any insight,

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