It's become apparent, looking at the huge number of cvs commits David
has made over the last week or so, that he is desperately in need of a
Life.  Therefore, I'm taking up a collection to buy him one.  With your
contributions, perhaps we can get him to take up tennis or stamp
collecting or mercenary soldiering, or something.  Otherwise, I fear we
may find his withered body slumped over his keyboard in a few weeks, all
thoughts of food and sleep wiped from his mind, his finger poised over
the return key to do just One More Javadoc cleanup.

[AUTHORS NOTE: For the humor impaired, this is just my way of thanking
David for the tremendous amount of post-1.1 cleanup work he's been

James Turner

Senior Editor
LinuxWorld Magazine

Track Chair, Strategic Open Source
2003 Fall COMDEX

    MySQL & JSP Web Applications
    Struts Kick Start
    JavaServer Faces Kick Start 

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