Here are some tips I have gathered from using WinCVS and Cygwin's ssh client
over the years:

1) Use one of the latest beta releases of WinCVS. I'm using 1.3b13 now. The
1.3 betas have better support for connecting with ssh. I have authentication
set to "ssh" on the Preferences dialog and none of the boxes checked on the
associated "Settings..." dialog. The 1.3 betas are as stable as 1.2 in my
experience, so don't fear the beta.

2) Set your CVS_RSH environment variable to the path to Cygwin's ssh
program. Mine is set to "c:\cygwin\bin\ssh.exe".

3) Do not install Cygwin's cvs package. Instead, put the WinCVS directory in
your path. It used to be something like "C:\Program Files\GNU\WinCvs 1.3",
but the recent WinCVS betas have moved the cvs.exe program to a
subdirectory, so now I have "C:\Program Files\GNU\WinCvs 1.3\CVSNT" in my
PATH instead.

4) I don't like the default location for my "home" directory, so I have a
HOME environment variable set to what I want it to be, "c:\home\mcooper" in
my case. SSH uses HOME to find your SSH keys, so this allows you to control
where it looks for them. I have them in my c:\home\mcooper\.ssh directory.

5) If you wish to use CVS from the Cygwin command line, you might need to
set a variable in your .bash_profile (also in your HOME directory). The
problem is that Cygwin may convert the value of the CVS_RSH environment
variable to a Cygwin-style path, and the cvs.exe program from WinCVS won't
be able to run ssh with the Cygwin style path. The solution is to explicitly
set CVS_RSH back to a Windows-style path in .bash_profile (or .bashrc). I
have "export CVS_RSH=c:\\cygwin\\bin\\ssh.exe" in mine for this purpose
(note the double \'s).

6) Using "ssh -v" from the command line to make a connection can be a useful
way to debug connection problems. With the verbose option (-v), ssh will
print out a bunch of messages about connection progress.

Hope that helps,

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Steve Raeburn" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Struts Developers List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, July 07, 2003 6:55 PM
Subject: RE: [VOTE-RESULT] Steve Raeburn as a Struts Committer

> Thanks, Ted.
> After a fun time battling with my CVS over SSH setup on Windows 2000, I've
> finally managed to make a teensy commit to the docs (baby steps to begin
> with). I have a couple of questions that perhaps those more
> souls could help with.
> First, I get a very long delay while authenticating (> 90 seconds). On an
> interactive logon it also happens and the delay is between the username
> password prompts. Is this normal?
> Secondly, because of problems I was experience with the W2K setup, I tried
> using SSH from both Cygwin and Linux (RH9). In both cases I received the
> server key the first time I connected but got no further response until
> server dropped the connection a couple of minutes later. Do I need to add
> any configuration for SSH to be able to connect to the Apache server? This
> one is probably just my lack of Unix knowledge, but if anyone happens to
> recognize the problem and have an answer handy it would be much
> Steve
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Ted Husted [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > Sent: July 5, 2003 12:15 PM
> > To: Struts Developers List
> > Subject: [VOTE-RESULT] Steve Raeburn as a Struts Committer
> >
> >
> > Since this vote has received more than the required +1s, and there being
> > no negative votes, I'd like to declare the vote as having passed, and
> > welcome Steve aboard. =:0)
> >
> > -Ted.
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
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