The Struts framework is not going to start losing it's shine. ;)

Struts is the most widely accepted web application framework in the known universe. In all likelihood, more people use Struts than all other frameworks combined. Not only by developers, but also by the tool vendors, like WebSphere. If there is an issue -- and I'm not saying there is -- then the community will fix it.

The parts of the thread I read weren't even scientific; just people waving their arms and making wild guesses. The hundred thousand developers using Struts aren't going to go off and use something else based on this thread. At least not when their own personal experience has shown them that "Struts works for me!".

When people talk about Struts and reflection, they are usually talking
about the (optional) JSP tags. The JSP tag issue will apply to any
application that uses JavaServer Pages. It's not Struts specific.

If you use a container with a decent JSP compiler, or the Struts JSTL
tags on a container optimized for JSTL, then there would also be no

If you are willing to consider Turbine/Velocity, then my very best
advice is to use Struts/Velocity. I do this myself, and absolutely love
the combination =:0)


JDR wrote:
Dear Ted:
Thanks for your reply. =)
In that case, since the Struts Framework may start losing its shine, can you recommend an open source framework out there that is worth investing time and effort on learning and practicing.
I would like it to strike a balance between :
1. Performance, meaning it will not be a potential bottleneck as Struts now may be (now that you have implied some truth to that =) ).
2. Longevity, one that may well be present and widely used in at least five years from now.
3. Flexibility, one that is suitable for a wide spectrum of projects.
4. Ease of use, one that will be widely supported by many of the IDE vendors out there and improve development productivity.
I am honestly having a hard time choosing a framework to learn about because of so many available open source offerings everywhere. Each have its advantages, but I don't know how to choose which one is "the best" or at least something close to that.
So I thought I'd rather take the opinion of someone who is well-experienced in adopting (and designing) frameworks for different kinds of projects. I presume you have tried quite a number of frameworks by now to have decided on your preference. Since you have mentioned that you are now using Velocity templates, does that mean that the Velocity-Turbine tandem has suited most requirements for your different projects?
Again, thanks for taking the time to respond to my mail, and more power ! Best Regards,

Ted Husted wrote:

If there's a bottleneck, it would be the JSP tags.

    Personally, I use Velocity Templates now, so the tags aren't an issue
    for me. =:0)

    JDR wrote:
     > Dear Ted:
     > Greetings ! I have come to know of your site through
     > the book "Professional JSP Site Design" by Wrox, and
     > have been reading your essays and many other useful
     > resources on your website.
     > I have read your essay, "Is Struts Performant?" , and
     > I found it a good read, justifying the use of Struts
     > as a framework for a Java Web Application.
     > However, recently, The Middleware Comoany released a
     > news about a "J2EE vs. .Net" Case Study. A forum about
     > this report is available on this page:
    ! >
     > Much of the posts imply that Struts became a
     > bottleneck for the J2EE Application due to the "cost
     > of Java Reflection", this could mean that many other
     > framework built on Java reflection (Axis, Hibernate,
     > etc.) will not be as performant as they were once
     > thought to be. Does this mean that Java Web Developers
     > should again look for other framework strategies, and
     > avoid those that use reflection as much as possible?
     > I am asking for your honest opinion on this matter,
     > and I'm also encouraging you to join the above forum.
     > If it's not too much to ask, may I also ask for your
     > opinion about the SOFIA framework, an alternative I
     > recently learned about in Does this
     > kind of framework (GUI-style programming) worth
     > learning about ? They do have a comparison against
     > Struts, but the document only showed how their
     > fram! ework's features are superior to Struts, so it's
     > kind of biased. I'm beginning to think that their
     > WYSIWYG workspace may speed up development, but I'm
     > not so sure about their MVC design. I noticed that
     > their implementation relies on Swing-style event
     > handling. Will this kind of framework be comparable to
     > Struts in terms of performance, flexibilty, etc.? Are
     > there catches? If I start using their framework, what
     > are the things I should watch out for?
     > Earnestly looking forward to your reply and wishing
     > you more power!
     > Best Regards,
     > JDR
     > Java Developer

-- Ted Husted, Junit in Action - <>, Struts in Action - <>, JSP Site Design - <>.

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