"fictitious" as is key word.

Main thing I want to say is that it is not my goal to antagonize this community, for many reasons (great product, donated time, I use it to make $ and pay bills, great learning, etc. ).

To your message:
Lets not take thing to serious, here. EJB's are OT for Struts, having a thread enumerating I do not see as fitting in Struts groups, nor do I think that it a good idea that a vendor implies that people should upgrade to a "better" version of Struts, JSF. I take it you think EJB's are nice. I have seen clients turn from Jave, once EJB goes to production. That is not good. iBatis (Hibernate, etc. I find better, maybe I can speak my mind?)

I can code some, you can see my code at bP on sf.net. (Want the link? see, it does not have to be serious) Yes, DAO, Master detail, multi row, etc. some of these things I was the first to document and give Struts examples of, and I was also 1st to advertise Struts in JDJ and other magazines, and I believe I did trained more Struts people than all others trainers combined, etc. (Maybe you have sample apps linked I missed someplace? A lot of my posts are links to CVS code: Ex: From Vic: "here is a link to working source code example showing multi row update" )
I am critical of JCP, so are others. I sincerity believe that Sun is hurting Java via complexity, I beleive it best to make sure they hear that, else you and I will have to learn and master another language. I have written a 16 page letter to JCP on JSF as soon as the 1st spec came out. While I did get an itemized response, the follow up API docs did little to change.
A long time ago, Craig send me a personal e-mail saying he would "-1" if it ever came up for me to be a commiter, he said becasue I am crticial of EJB. (Yes, this was long time before JSF) OK, you think of that what you will.

Now they did! have an effort to simplify JSF, and EJB 3 (good, and it was no thanks to people that kept quiet) .... but not enough!
Assuming I sincerely believe in these things, what do you suggest I do?

You can feel free to defend EJB any time I criticize it. Also, EJB's were talked about long before me:
http://www.mail-archive.com/[EMAIL PROTECTED]/msg03376.html

Now sometimes I do post a short message, just asking the person to look into it more, and they can make their own decision, no need to argue w/them, they can Google if they wish, I can't write a paper every time.

For my own personal improvement, if you (or somone) can PLEASE send me a personal message pointing out where I have called someone a name or was insulting?

The thing about democracy (and open source maybe) is that if people are not active ... it fails.

Perhaps you did not see the message here where Ted "implied" a non commiter can review tickets ( I took that to mean me)? I was just trying to help, perhpaps I did more harm.

Anyway, your post bellow was a bit funny (other than my name in it)


James Mitchell wrote:

Vic, what's your problem?

I think I've heard enough of your ramblings as well.  I've tried to
sympathize with your views hoping that somewhere (in some unknown galaxy)
you actually knew what you were talking about.

If you don't know what I mean, tell me if this sounds familiar to you (or

(fictitious, but you get the idea)

On 8/16, "Message Message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>" wrote:

Dear Struts group,
What is the best practice for using Struts with EJB?

"Vic" replied: Don't use EJB, it sucks.

"Message Message" replied: How can you justify saying that?

"Vic" replied: Because I know these words.... Model View Controller / Master Detail and Multirow / DAO / XLM / XSL

"Message Message" replied:

Wow. You must be right, cause I don't even know all them werds.

"Craig" wrote:
Vic, you misspelled XML.

-- James Mitchell Software Engineer / Struts Evangelist http://www.struts-atlanta.org 770-822-3359 AIM:jmitchtx


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