I apologize if anyone has already asked this question, but I searched
the board and didn't see it.  Also, I tried the user forum first, but
figured maybe this was more appropriate.


JSR 168 has the following line in it (Section PLT.16.3):


"Servlets and JSPs included from portlets should not use the servlet
RequestDispatcher forward method as its behavior may be


I am no expert on Struts, although I have used it quite a bit.  It seems
that if I wanted to wrap my Struts app in a Portlet and access various
actions through the PortletRequestDispatcher (the most logical
approach), I would run afoul of this warning.


Lacking an implementation to test my hypothesis (*$&# IBM legal
department), I am unsure whether this actually fails or not.  My gut
instinct is that it probably wouldn't, but that it may not be reliable
across implementations of servlet and portlet containers.  


I wanted to get some thoughts from the Struts community about this
possible issue.  Also, I wanted to know what the impact would be of
using RequestDispatcher's include method instead?  Or at least providing
the facility to portlet developers?


I apologize if I have wrongly assumed anything in my question.  This is
my best estimate based on what I have read.





Clay Richardson



W. Clay Richardson

Adjunct Professor of Computer Science

Northern Virginia Graduate Center

Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University


"Oh, and how is "education" supposed to make me feel smarter?  Besides,
every time I learn something new, it pushes some old stuff out of my
brain.  Remember when I took that home wine-making course and I forgot
how to drive?" - Homer J. Simpson





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