Ted or Anyone else for that matter.

I've been looking through the source and have a few ideas of bits i'd like to add and such forth. I've been following the discussions on focusing struts development away from the tags. Although I've almost been won over by JSTL, I still think that lack the clarity of struts tags.

I'd be glad to pitch in but I've been having trouble getting the information I want. I'll have to find a browser that will display the buglist rather than download it when i click on it too. kinda tricky to enter as a bug that one.

Anyway I'd love to have a crack, but I may need some guidance to get me going. How much would i have to know about maven and gump? for one thing (well actually two).

Cheers Mark

On Sunday, August 31, 2003, at 08:31 PM, Ted Husted wrote:

Craig R. McClanahan wrote:
Sorry for the late response on this ... it seems like weekends are the
only time I get to play with open source code any more :-(.

I hear that, brother! =:0) The catch-as-catch-can thing isn't working for me anymore either, so I think I'll take my own advice


and block out a regular time for open source development and call it part of the work week. I really want to Bugzilla sorted-out and fill in some of the remaining gaps in the documentation.

Since we have a wiki now, I thought it might be helpful to setup a short term plans page. I took the liberty (surprise!) of adding some notes people have made on the list or in Bugzilla recently.

http://nagoya.apache.org/wiki/ apachewiki.cgi?action=edit&id=StrutsShortTermPlans

Also, I setup a Job Jar page on the Wiki


I'd like to add this item as well:

* <b>A maintainer for the conventional Struts taglibs package is needed.</b> If you are motivated, self-starting developer who is actively using these tags, groks the Apache Way, and can spare the time, please take a look at the outstanding reports for the taglibs components, and start submitting patches for our consideration.

But thought I should see if we have consensus on this first.

At one time, we were not pursuing the conventional tags because we did not want to steer people away from JSTL. But now that we have an actively-supported JSTL tag library, it may be time to fish around for someone to actively maintain this package on behalf of the segment of our Community who need, or choose, to use these tags.

Usually, I would suggest we let nature take its course and see if a taglib developer appears spontaneously. But, I think we may have given the community the impression that we are antagonistic towards these tags, and it may be prudent to take affirmative action to correct that impression.


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