It does come up, especially when people are using frames. I usually recommend that people use an Action to cache the messages in the session during the redirect and then have another Action to move it back again afterwards. It might be possible to engineer a standard Action to automate this sort of thing.

It seems to me to be a workflow issue. People want to put the attribute into the session so that it survives a redirect, but we all want to see some assurance that it will be disposed afterward.

The big fix might be to consider adopting Matthias Bauer's Workflow plugin, which could be used to enforce these types of contracts. But, it would be better to do that in the 1.4.x timeframe, when the new RequestProcessor might be on board.


Robert Leland wrote:
Use Cases: I am not familar with the particular use cases where the ActionMessage needs
to hang around in the session. So these suggestions might not fit.
Would managing the life cycle through the struts-config.xml, like the ActionForm work ?
How about a PlugIn that has the ability to schedule a cleanup of a session variable after
a configurable amount of time ? The method that reads the message from the session
would need to be syncronized. This doesn't have to be a plugin.


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