husted      2003/09/11 16:08:28

  Modified:    doc      index.xml
  + Add Struts in a Nutshell section.
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.50      +98 -0     jakarta-struts/doc/index.xml
  Index: index.xml
  RCS file: /home/cvs/jakarta-struts/doc/index.xml,v
  retrieving revision 1.49
  retrieving revision 1.50
  diff -u -r1.49 -r1.50
  --- index.xml 9 Sep 2003 17:49:21 -0000       1.49
  +++ index.xml 11 Sep 2003 23:08:28 -0000      1.50
  @@ -66,6 +66,104 @@
  +    <section name="Struts in a Nutshell" href="nutshell">
  +        <p>
  +            A <a 
application</a> uses a
  +            deployment descriptor to initialize resources like <a 
  +            and <a href="userGuide/preface.html#jsp">taglibs</a>.
  +            The deployment descriptor is formatted as a <a 
href="userGuide/preface.html#xml">XML</a> document and named
  +            "web.xml".
  +            Likewise, Struts uses a configuration file to initialize its own 
  +            These resources include <a 
href="userGuide/building_controller.html#action_form_classes">ActionForms</a> to
  +            collect input from users,
  +            <a 
  +            ActionMappings</a> to direct input to server-side
  +            <a 
  +            and ActionForwards to select output pages.
  +        </p>
  +        <p>
  +            Here's a simple Struts configuration (struts-config.xml) for a login 
  +        </p>
  +    <pre><code><![CDATA[
  +    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?>
  +    <!DOCTYPE struts-config PUBLIC
  +              "-//Apache Software Foundation//DTD Struts Configuration 1.2//EN"
  +              "";>
  +    <struts-config>
  +        <form-beans>
  +            <form-bean
  +                name="logonForm"
  +                type="app.LogonForm"/>
  +        </form-beans>
  +        <action-mappings>
  +            <action
  +                path="/Welcome"
  +                forward="/pages/Welcome.jsp"/>
  +            <action
  +                path="/Logon"
  +                forward="/pages/Logon.jsp"/>
  +            <action
  +                path="/LogonSubmit"
  +                type="app.LogonAction"
  +                name="logonForm"
  +                scope="request"
  +                validate="true"
  +                input="/">
  +                <forward
  +                    name="success"
  +                    path="/"/>
  +                <forward
  +                    name="failure"
  +                    path="/"/>
  +            </action>
  +            <action
  +                path="/Logoff"
  +                type="app.LogoffAction">
  +                <forward
  +                    name="success"
  +                    path="/"/>
  +            </action>
  +        </action-mappings>
  +        <message-resources parameter="resources.application"/>
  +    </struts-config>
  +    ]]></code></pre>
  +        <p>
  +            There are several other resources you can specify in Struts 
configuration files.
  +            You can specify validations for the ActionForms in an XML descriptor, 
using the
  +            <a href="userGuide/dev_validator.html">Struts Validator</a>.
  +            Another extension, <a href="userGuide/dev_tiles.html">Tiles</a>, helps 
you build pages from smaller
  +            fragments.
  +        </p>
  +        <p>
  +            Struts is an extensible framework.
  +            Every class deployed by Struts can be replaced by your own default 
  +            The properties of your default class can be set using the
  +            <a href="";> Digester's</a> 
<code>set-property</code> feature.
  +            This is one reason why there are so many <a 
href="resources/extensions.html">contributor extensions</a> for
  +            Struts.
  +            Struts provides a base framework, but you can still write <b>your</b> 
application <b>your</b> way.
  +        </p>
  +        <p>
  +            For more about Struts and its underlying technologies, see the <a 
  +            Guide</a> and the Developer Guides.
  +        </p>
  +        <p>
  +            Struts is a volunteer project and all support for the framework is 
provided by unpaid volunteers.
  +            This documentation bundle and the mailing lists are the primary ways to 
learn how to use Struts.
  +            The next few pages are devoted to helping you understand what resources 
are available to you.
  +            Since Struts is a volunteer project, and our resources are limited, it 
is important that we first help you
  +            help yourself.
  +        </p>
  +    </section>
   <section name="Books about Struts" href="books">
       <div class="center">

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