On Thursday, September 11, 2003, at 03:38 PM, David Graham wrote:

The Jakarta download page uses this link to point to Struts nightly

That link redirects you back to the downloads page.  I believe the correct
link is http://cvs.apache.org/builds/jakarta-struts/nightly/

I'm confused by the Jakarta site build process so I'm not sure how to fix
this.  Is the site generated from jakarta-site or jakarta-site2 from cvs?

i'd like to offer an explanation (since i'm responsible - but unrepentant - for the breakage).

jakarta.apache.org/builds has been used for a long time now for jakarta builds and lot of external links exist to it. now that the apache distribution process has been rationalized, no distributions (nightlies or releases) should be downloaded from this directory.

what i did was put a .htaccess in the root of the jakarta.apache.org/builds/jakarta-struts. this means no one can download stuff from this directory any more but it does mean that links to nightlies (which use synlinks to cvs) may be broken and should be fixed to point to the cvs.apache.org url. i'll probably go through the urls on the main jakarta download site sometime soonish but sub-projects will probably need to correct any links in their own documentation.

just FYI the jakarta site is built (using anakia) from jakarta-site2 cvs module. there are instructions about how this is done on http://jakarta.apache.org/site/jakarta-site2.html.

- robert

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