If I were you I would use strings in my form beans (or at least methods or
parallel field which accept strings as arguments) and look into third party
stuff, i.e. Matt Kruse's date handling javascript.  Additionally, I would
bypass the validator and validate in my action (that way you would have the
text the user entered).  It is easy enough to emulate the validator flow of
control (just read the mapping and get the 'input' value and forward to it).


> -----Original Message-----
> Sent: Wednesday, September 17, 2003 6:23 AM
> Subject: Conceptual question about populating/validating values
> Hi there,
> I have a conceptual question about the population process for 
> properties inside Struts.
> First of all a description:
> I have a JSP which includes a text input field like this:
> <html:text name="myForm" property="currentPerson.birthDate"/>
> "currentPerson" is a Person-Object which has a 
> birthDate-Attribute of type java.util.Date (!). This object 
> is part of the myForm-Bean. 
> I know about the alternative to have string values in my 
> FormBean and set the property of my object "by hand", but I 
> don't like this !!
> The Request-Processing now does the following:
> 1. RequestProcessor.processPopulate(...)
>    2. RequestUtils.populate(...request)
>       3. BeanUtils.populate(bean, properties)
>       ...
>       4. BeanUtils.setProperty(...)
>          5. ConvertUtils.convert(...)
>             6. PropertyUtils.setProperty(...)
> 6. RequestProcessor.processValidate(...)
> ..
> In my example the string representing a date is converted 
> into a Date-Object in step 5 (ConvertUtils.convert()) I could 
> use the sessions locale here for LOCALE-specific conversions 
> and set a default value in case the conversion failes. I know 
> about this !
> Lets asume the following:
> -> A user enters an invalid date
> -> conversion failes and the default value will be set as birthDate
> -> the user gets the page back including an error message 
> about an invalid
> date
> -> the date input field holds the default date now
> BUT: What I would like the user to see is it's original text, 
> not the default value or anything else.
> ANY IDEA, how to do this ? (Without having string variables 
> to store the form-values !) Since I also would also like to 
> specify a regexp-mask in the validation.xml it looks to me, 
> that the processValidate() is a bit too late.
> Thanks in advance,
> Dirk
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