Unless there are any objections, I'd like to join the struts-chain effort,
and hope to put in some time this weekend.  I've been experimenting with
ways to develop struts forms/actions that can simultaneously be exposed as
SOAP web services in stxx (http://stxx.sf.net), but feel the struts-chain
is key to building a robust implementation.

Regarding wildcards
(http://issues.apache.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=21813), I decided to
hold of on putting them as it seemed a 1.1.1(2?) was around the corner.
However, as it looks like it is not, I'd like to put it in this weekend.
Again, the patch will not affect any Struts apps that don't use wildcards
in any way, performance or otherwise.  It does open up some interesting
possibilities not only for reduced configuration, but things like this:
http://www.mail-archive.com/[EMAIL PROTECTED]/msg79295.html

Finally, regarding web services, anyone know of any efforts to expose
Struts forms/actions as web services?


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