Andrew Hill wrote:

For the other usage, where people have trouble creating a finely-grained
business API, there's a new Chain package in the Commons sandbox that
can help. This package makes it easy to chain together arbitrary units
of work, so that you can do things like create a "move" command by
chaining a "copy" command to a "delete" command -- and still use "copy"
or "delete" on their own.

Interesting. Sounds a lot like something I banged together the other day - a
thing I unimaginatevly called the "steplib" as its a library for configuring
steps to be executed.

Basically the units of work are classes that extend the Step class which
defines a begin() & end() method that one overrides. Steps are organised
into a tree, and can have children. If a steps begin() returns true the
children are executed, and if a steps end() (executed after children are
executed) returns true then the step is repeated. The step classes are
stateless in a similar manner to actions and servlets, etc... and are
configured in xml files which I read with digester the first time a
particluar sequence is requested, and reuse for all subsequent requests for
that sequence.

I did make a StepAction class that will execute a tree of steps (that
subclass ActionStep heheh) for an action, though actually that was an
afterthought and Im not using it much yet! The primary reason I built this
thing was for use as a view rendering technology (Im allergic to JSP and
prefer to decorate org.w3c.dom.Document trees (ahhh random access to my
xhtml. Oh joy :->)...) as I wanted a better way to configure a sequence of
more fine-grained DOM decorators.

Heres an example that does a listview table thingy:

 <stamp id="stamp" mode="get" name="userRowStamp" remove="true">
   <iterate exposeName="user" beanName="users" beanScope="request">
     <log text="UserId:" name="user" property="userId" scope="request"/>
     <stamp id="userTable" mode="put" name="userRowStamp" remove="false">
       <populate id="userTable" name="user"/>
       <rewrite id="userLink" forward="userEdit" paramId="userId"
paramName="user" property="userId"/>
       <attribute id="userCheckbox" attribute="value" name="user"
       <equals empty="true" name="user" property="roles">
         <stamp id="roles_value" mode="get" remove="true"/>
       <equals not="true" empty="true" name="user" property="roles">
         <stamp id="roles_br" mode="get" remove="true"/>
       <attribute id="stamp" attribute="id" remove="true" recurse="true"/>

Of course for an action step sequence the steps could do such things as
"copy" or "delete".

Given your bent towards playing with "executable XML" here, you might want to take a serious look at the Jelly project as well.

It incorporates the notion of using an expression language very similar to JSTL 1.0 and JSTP 2.0, instead of the clunky XML things like the <logic:equals> and <logic:iterate> tags provide. The result is much more succinct scripts that can leverage all the power of the underlying expressions for conditionals, iterations, and so on.

Building a Struts action that invokes a Jelly script with a specified name is an exercize left for the reader (but it's really easy).


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