I am new to Slide. I wanted to know whether Slide is an ongoing project or
has it been shelved, since a friend of mine told me that Slide project
stopped sometime in 2001. From the Slide home page I am further confused,
since the last news (at http://jakarta.apache.org/slide/news.html ) is
posted on 11/06/2001. Moreover the latest binary download available is of
version 1.0.16. But the changelog page (at
http://jakarta.apache.org/slide/changelog.html) shows the changelog of
version 2.0.0. 
If 2.0.0 is released, why the download page
(http://jakarta.apache.org/site/binindex.cgi) has pointer to Slide version
Is the searching/indexing module implemented in 2.0.0?

I will really appreciate any replies.


Ritu Kedia
Module Manager

moving the enterprise.
moving minds.

p.s. I had sent the same mail to Slider User List earlier. Re-sending this
to the dev List since I did not receive any conclusive answer on the
user-list. Sorry for the inconvenience to those who are subscribed to both
the lists. But I really need a definite answer on this question, before
recommending the use of Slide in our product. 

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