> Has anyone experience the following problem...
> I have a Dynamic struts form bean used by my Struts action, looks like
> following,
>       <form-property name="xFrom"      type="java.lang.String"/>
> and in the Bean class, I have 
> String xFrom;
> setXFrom(...) 
> getXFrom()
> but, this property is not being set. This is always null. 
> Amazingly, if I change the property name to 
>       <form-property name="exFrom"     type="java.lang.String"/>
> String exFrom;
> setExFrom(...)
> getExFrom()
> This is working perfectly, does anyone know why? Is Struts expecting a
> different method name?

This question belongs on struts-user, not struts-dev.  And it isn't
really a Struts question, it relates to the JavaBeans Specification,
which can be found here: 

If there are two upper-case letters together, they are not
decapitalized, so I think the matching property name would be XFrom, not

However, the simplest fix is to name your properties in a way you know
won't confuse the introspection process.  (Which you already did,
renaming to exFrom)

Wendy Smoak
Application Systems Analyst, Sr.
ASU IA Information Resources Management 

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