Quoting David Graham <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> --- stu robertson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > First, thanks for the quick followup last week on the
> > readyness of builds including ValidWhen.  I started
> > testing our application against this build this
> > morning.
> > 
> > The one would-be showstopper for us (although we work
> > around it) is that the current snapshot of
> > commons-collections has a number of serialization
> > bugs.  We're using decorators fairly extensively for
> > type-safety.  Since they're not serializable, they
> > cause NotSerializableException when returned from
> > stateless session EJBs.  We're currently using a
> > collections 3.0 build that we've modified to make
> > these serializable.  But the Struts 1.2 nightly comes
> > with the broken version.
> Why are we distributing nightly builds of commons components that we rely
> on?  IMO, unless we need the very latest features of commons package X we
> should ship nightly Struts builds with the last released version of X.

Historically, we've done this so that active Struts development could have
dependencies on latest-and-greatest (but unreleased) commons code, without
having to wait for a commons package release.  It would be pretty fragile to
try to make a latest-and-greatest versus latest-released choice on each
individual library; it seems a lot more sane to establish a single policy for
all dependencies.  However, I can take a shot at finer-grained decision making
once I get back home (in Europe this week for JavaPolis; a large user group
conference Wednesday and Thursday in Antwerp) this weekend.

AFAICT, neither choice is going to help Stu's situation, because it sounds like
there is no released or nightly version of commons-collections that (yet)
includes his patches.

> David


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