We probably wouldn't be able to rename it per se. We'd have to deprecate one class and 
bring another up using the new name. (The one we deprecating being a shell that calls 
the new one.) Tyranny of the installed base, and all that :)

A lot of the naming in the Tiles package is inconsistence and does need to be 
addressed. One reason for this was that Tiles had a name change late in the cycle, so 
sometimes the older name is used.

What would be helpful would be a proposal that presented an new API with al the 
changes, as well as what bridge classes would be needed to get there from here.


On Fri, 02 Jan 2004 07:25:16 -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Hi all, I was recently poking around in the source and API docs for
> some of the Tiles classes, and noticed there is an interface
> org.apache.struts.tiles.DefinitionsFactory, and a concrete class
> org.apache.struts.tiles.xmlDefinition.DefinitionsFactory.  Now,
> this isn't a problem in any objective sense, and granted, they are
> in different packages...
> But, to a developer new to the Tiles source, it makes things just a
> tad bit confusing.  Actually, a lot of the naming conventions in
> Tiles are confusing to me, and maybe I'll throw some other
> suggestions out later.. but for now, I wonder if there's any
> possibility of  renaming one of the DefinitionsFactory types?
> I'm afraid I'm not familiar enough with the code (yet) to have a
> full understanding of what all the ramifications of this would be,
> and maybe it's a dumb idea... but I thought I'd mention it and see
> what the experienced Struts / Tiles folks had to say.
> Thanks,
> Phillip Rhodes
> Application Designer
> Voice Data Solutions
> 919-571-4300 x225

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