On Sat, 10 Jan 2004, Paul Sundling wrote:

> I was thinking that clearing up some of the most common checkstyle
> errors might make those reports more useful.  There are two errors which
> would be broadly fixed with little problem.  This would vastly improve
> the signal to noise ratio on the report. :)
> 1. License file check errors:  There is a check to make sure all the
> source code begins with the license.  This is generating errors because
> the copyrights don't all follow the same years as what it expects to
> find.  It does lead me to question how the years in the copyrights are
> updated.  This is now 2004 and I wonder if any files have 2004 in them
> for instance.  There are at least two approachs to fix the checkstyle issue:
>   Option 1 (easy way)  we modify conf/qa/CheckStyle.xml and add 10 to
> ignoreLines (already has 2,3,4,5).  I can submit a patch for that today
> if there is a go ahead.
>   Option 2  we could make another copy of the license file with a
> regular expression for the years in the file.
> I'm leaning towards option 1 on this myself and it seems consistent with
> solutions that have been applied in the past.

I'd prefer that we switch the license (header) check to use a regexp
header rather than a static one. That's what I've done in my "day" jobs,
and I think it's appropriate here too. I know it's a bit more of a pain to
set up initially, but it is a one-off deal.

> 2. Tab errors:  It has an error for tabs in the files.
>   Option 1  we remove the tabs check from checkStyle.
>   Option 2  we replace tabs with spaces and do a quick visual check to
> see how everything lines up.
> Which approach to take here isn't  as obvious.  How important is it
> wether there are tabs or spaces?  That's not really my call, but I'm
> willing to take care of it either way.

The Struts rule is, and has always been, spaces only. No tabs.

Martin Cooper

> Paul Sundling
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