On Wed, 14 Jan 2004 06:49:48 -0800 (PST), David Graham wrote:
> --- Larry Meadors <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> I am looking at the MessageResources class, and the MessageTag
>> class, and wondering if there is a reason for them accepting
>> different numbers of optional parameters - the MessageTag allows
>> five, but getMessage() in MessageResources only allows four.
>> Other than some confusion, it is not a big deal, but it seems odd
>> to me that they are different. Am I missing something? Is there a
>> reason for not adding the five parameter version to the
>> MessageResources method?
> IMO, there should be 3 versions of the method: accepting no
> replacement args, accepting one replacement arg, accepting an array
> of replacement args.  The 4 or 5 arg methods seem arbitrary.


Changing it to an array come up before. We just never went through with the change.


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