First of all, sorry for my poor english, but please read carefully.

I am a developer who use Struts for building RDBMS-based applications.
I have to make so many tables that is linked by PK-FK relation.
So There's so many Beans that are shaped like this
(ParentBean and ChildBean is linked by PK-FK)


public class ParentBean {
 private int id;
 private String name;
 private ChildBean[] childBeans = new ChildBean[0];
 // get/set methods
 // ...

public class ChildBean {
 private String childName;
 // get/set methods
 // ...

ParentBean can have many, more than one ChildBeans, And I cannot guess how many ChildBeans would be created at run-time.
So this page that is used for user-input cannot be worked properly.

<html:text property="parentBean.childBeans[0].childName"/><br/>
<html:text property="parentBean.childBeans[1].childName"/><br/>
<html:text property="parentBean.childBeans[2].childName"/><br/>
<html:text property="parentBean.childBeans[3].childName"/>

When request parameter is populated(when RequestUtils.populate() is called.),
Array IndexOutofBoundary Exception is occured Because Property Entities like parentBean.childBeans[3].childName does not exist.

So I use modified beanutils library that can extends length of arraies at run-time and make a component of array to populate this kind of request parameter that is mapped to array property of bean.

I would like to Form-Bean processor that support array of variable length.

Thank you for reading,Jang

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