I think the your problem might be relative paths.  If you are using the base tag 
<html:base />, your relative path will start from context-root/jsp.

If your css file is included in your page using a relative path, your css file must be 
in the /jsp directory.

<LINK rel="stylesheet" href="style.css" type="text/css">

In WSAD, you can locate your jsp's in folder under the "WebContent" and assign other 
url mappings in your web deployment descriptor, like "/Test1.jsp" where they acually 
live in "WebContent/jsp/".  In WSAD, this mapping will effect the value of the 
<html:base> tag, where in tomcat, the mapping doesn't seem to have the same effect.  
We are using tiles and ended up just placing our layouts in the base "WebContent" 
folder so that we have the option of using tomcat if we don't want to wait 5 minutes 
for WAS to load :-)

The virtual host mapping in WAS has to do with the domain name as it relates to the 
webserver plugin.  You can use the virutal host name to channel a request to a 
specific WAS server or cluster of WAS servers.  For example, you might not have an 
internal verses external network but you have applications you want to make avaliable 
internally only.  You could create a domain name like www.acme.internal, register it 
with your internal DNS.  Then install your application to this virtual host mapping 
www.acme.internal:80.  The default virtual host mapping is *:80.

I think your error is related to how WSAD handles url mapping to jsp resources as it 
relates to the <html:base /> tag.

> Hi,
> I am using struts with WSAD for creating my web application.
> I have a jsp page which intern calls a css file and displays images 
> also.
> when I call my jsp: , test1.jsp, the 
> page displays fine and I can see the i,ages and the css file also takes 
> effect.
> Now, I added an action mapping, updateAction in my struts config file
> <action-mappings>
> <action name="update" path="/update" scope="request" 
> type="com.test.testweb.actions.UpdateAction">
> <forward name="success" path="/jsp/Test1.jsp">
> </forward>
> </action>
> </action-mappings>
> Here, when I added the action mapping, I am forwarding to the same 
> page, test1.jsp after a success. ie, my form is getting submitted and I
> am 
> coming to the same page. 
> But when the same page gets displayed again, the images are not getting 
> displayed and its not recognising the css file.
> My console gives the following errors:
> [3/19/04 9:16:40:408 CST] 154a763c OSEListenerDi E PLGN0021E: Servlet 
> Request Processor Exception: Virtual Host/WebGroup Not Found : The web 
> group /images/logo.gif has not been defined
> Why is this happening ?
> Do I need to add anything so that the images and css files are 
> recognised from an action link ?
> Thanks
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