Personally, I find the Struts build files to be complex and confusing. 
I've come to associate Maven with easy builds because building commons
components (including the distro, website, tests, etc) is a snap compared
to Struts.  I agree that storing jars in cvs isn't a good idea which is
why using Maven is so nice; it downloads the correct jars automatically.  

Anything we can do to make the build more straightforward, whether it's
with Ant or Maven, is a good thing :-).


--- Joe Germuska <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >For me, the main discouraging thing about contributing to the 
> >development of Struts has been the build process.  In the past, you 
> >had to download all of jakarta-commons and spend a day or two 
> >figuring out how to get that to build.  Recently, I tried to build 
> >Struts and was successful using the Maven stuff.  Personally, I 
> >don't mind using Maven, but I don't know that it should be 
> >*required* to build a project from scratch.  I'd love to be able to 
> >cvs co Struts, navigate to jakarta-struts and type "ant jar".
> >
> >I realize this is no easy thing to accomplish with a build file - 
> >but it has been the most discouraging factor for me. ;-)
> The only way we could accomplish something like that with a build 
> file would be by including JARs in CVS, and if you ask me, there are 
> enough reasons why that's a bad idea that I prefer the way it is, 
> even though I'd very much like to see people feel more comfortable 
> getting in and working on Struts source code.
> When you say "I don't know that [Maven] should be *required*..." is 
> your point that Ant is a widely accepted Java tool, while Maven has 
> yet to cut a 1.0 release?  That's fair -- just want to make sure I 
> understand you.
> The build.xml file generated by 'maven ant' uses the ant 'get' task 
> and the Maven iBiblio repository to download dependencies; we could 
> perhaps look at copying some of that into our ant script to reduce 
> to being more about configuration stuff and less 
> about dependency stuff.
> Joe
> -- 
> Joe Germuska            
>        "Imagine if every Thursday your shoes exploded if you tied them 
> the usual way.  This happens to us all the time with computers, and 
> nobody thinks of complaining."
>              -- Jef Raskin
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