
I'm having a problem with referencing an array with <jsp:useBean>.  I keep
getting ClassCastExceptions, and I'm not sure how exactly to do this.

I gave the request an array of objects using request.setAttribute("id",
myArray).  When I reference this in my JSP page, I am trying to use
something like:

<jsp:useBean id="id" class="my.class[]">

but it doesn't work.  I have also tried different permutations of class and
type using brackets or not.  The goal is to get an array, from the request
object to the <struts:iterate> taglib (which is really cool, btw!).

If anyone can help me out, I would really appreciate it.

Thanks very much in advance,

ps I eventually just didn't use <jsp:useBean> and referenced the array
directly with iterate, but now I'm really curious how to do it. :)

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