All you should need to do is:

1) Copy the .war files to your resin\doc directory
2) Add a line to your resin.conf for each webapp that looks like this:

    <web-app id='/struts-example' app-dir='struts-example.war'/>

This has worked for me for several versions of Resin and Struts.

Martin Cooper
Tumbleweed Communications

At 11:56 PM 10/31/00 +0530, shankar wrote:
>I'm having a prob getting struts up on resin. I could'nt even get the doc up
>properly. Tinkering with the conf file did'nt get me anywhere. The .war
>files are not extracted automatically as in tomcat. Where should they be
>placed and is it any different from tomcat. Could someone give me a few
>guidelines please?
>Thanks ,

Martin Cooper
Tumbleweed Communications

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