I found binaries at

http://jakarta.apache.org/builds/tomcat/release/v3.2-beta-7/bin/win32/i386/ for
use on windows,
http://jakarta.apache.org/builds/tomcat/release/v3.2-beta-7/bin/linux/i386/ for


[EMAIL PROTECTED] on 11/15/2000 11:09:53 AM

Please respond to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

cc:    (bcc: Larry Rogers/MC/Mercury)
Subject:  Re: tomcat integrated with apache, struts-example

> I've used mod_jk to integrate apache and tomcat

What is the location for mod_jk, I can't find it on the modules.apache.org
database ?

Later ...

Rich Roth --- On-the-Net

Direct:  Box 927, Northampton, MA 01061

Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]              Url: http://east.on-the-net.com
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On Wed, 15 Nov 2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Date: Wed, 15 Nov 2000 08:02:49 -0500
> Subject: tomcat integrated with apache, struts-example
> I've downloaded struts-0.5, and wanted to test it.
> I've installed apache 1.3.14 and tomcat 3.2b7
> When I deploy the struts-example application under tomcat, and use
> lynx http://localhost:8080/struts-example/, the example works fine.
> But when I try to deploy under Apache, I get the error : cannot find *.do
> file.
> I've used mod_jk to integrate apache and tomcat.
> I don't see any documentation of how I can add a
> "AddHandler jk_servlet *.do"
> I've also used mod_jserv to integrate apache and tomcat.
> I haven't spent so much time with this, since I want to use mod_jk.
> The question is :
> has anybody used mod_jk to integrate apache, tomcat and then use struts ?
> By the way, struts in Norwegian is the name of this bird which runs very
> fast, has a long neck and long legs. Quite funny.
> Struts looks very promising, I would like to get it to work.
> Should I go for struts0.5, or should I go for the "latest" build ?
> Alf Hogemark

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