Hi'ya - I've just discovered a widespread problem in most
struts tags. Nearly all tags will fail to handle anchors
(that's a kind of intra-document reference) properly.
Anchors have to be the last part of an URI/URL - even
if a query string is present. Because struts, as most
other taglibs appends the query parameter always at the
end of a given URL

A fictive example:
Appending variable a and b with the values 1 and 2 as
query string to www.myserver.com/myapp.jsp#footer (one
could use the link tag for this) will result in
www.myserver.com/myapp.jsp#footer?a=1&c=2, but the correct
result should be www.myserver.com/myapp.jsp?a=1&c=2#footer.
I could also throw in the path-info, but this is less
often used and would complicate things even more.

Using WLS 5.1, there is an additional side-effect of the
way struts (doesn't) handle anchors: The session will
be lost, if url-rewriting is used and the URL in question
contains an anchor (BTW: Weblogic has the same "bug", it
also appends the URL always at the end, ignoring anchors

Matthias                          mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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