Sometimes I wonder whether we should start a "Struts on WebLogic" list... :^)

Michael, I will reply privately to you with some resources for this and other
WL-related problems.


Michael Gerdau wrote:

> Hi !
> I'm a newbie to struts and thus am certainly prone to trivial mistakes. So
> please don't be too hard on me.
> I'm trying to get the example that comes with struts working on weblogic 5.1
> and am faced with the org.apache.struts.action.MESSAGE exception.
> As far as I understand the problem I somehow have to tell weblogic
> to accept org.apache.struts.example.ApplicationResources as my resources
> file.
> Also I understand this is configured in /WEB-INF/web.xml (which I don't
> know wether/how weblogic does read it).
> I have properly set the document root such that the struts *.tld are found.
> I'm pretty sure I'm doing some rather obvious mistakes. Any hints
> highly appreciated.
> Thank you,
> Michael

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