Title: logic:equal help ?!?


I've just started with the logic-library of the Struts framework
I'm using the following code to create a dynamic html-table:

<struts:iterate id="ruleForm" name="ruleForm" property="allRules">
    <td class="iterate">
                <logic:equal name="ruleForm" property="isActive" value="true"/>true</logic:equal>   
    <td class="iterate">
      <struts:htmlProperty name="ruleForm" property="rulename"/>
    <td class="iterate">
      <struts:htmlProperty name="ruleForm" property="attribute"/>
    <td class="iterate">
      <struts:htmlProperty name="ruleForm" property="operator"/>
    <td class="iterate">
      <struts:htmlProperty name="ruleForm" property="comparison"/>
    <td class="iterate">
      <struts:htmlProperty name="ruleForm" property="mapping"/>

No I'm facing the following problem:
<logic:equal name="ruleForm" property="isActive" value="true"/>rule true</logic:equal>  
code seems not to work correctly.
My impression is that it doesnt compare the property "isActive" with the value "true".Because I'm always getting the text "rule true" in my table.

Am I using the equal-tag not correctly or am misunderstanding here something terribly ??

Any help would be appreciated.
Thanks in advance.


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