
i just read Craig's answer to denis' question and i was wondering if there
is some kind of "j2ee compliant" way of doing user auth and role-asignment -
are there any standards one is supposed to use
(i apologize for this offtopic question, since it's not an struts issue, i

today i always use my own user/roles tables in my (relational) database and
i am doing all these things "by hand, means by jdbc queries" - should i
change that?

any hint / pointer to doc / suggestions would be nice!

----- Original Message -----
From: Craig R. McClanahan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, November 27, 2000 6:37 PM
Subject: Re: Actions - design question

> Denis Hanson wrote:
> > Hi all,
> >
> > I am starting to move our existing web application to the struts
> > and would like to ask a design question.
> >
> > Here's my problem. After logon, the application user is forwarded to one
> > three screens - sysadmin, admin, user.  The screen used is determined by
> > user's role.  (The three screens have no commonality, so I don't think I
> > use the one <forward name="success".../> action attrubute shown in the
> > example application.)
> >
> > I'm looking for some way to define the various paths in
struts-config.xml so
> > that the logon action class doesn't have hardcoded paths to the three
> > role-based screens.
> >
> > Do I need to create my own ActionMapping class and add additional
> > name=/> entries, or is there some other way to do this?
> >
> Because we're talking about "what does the logon action forward to", you
> need any additional action definitions.  However, you might want some
> forwards defined.  For concreteness, let's assume that your three roles
> named "admin", "manager", and "user".
> One approach to this would be to define, nested within the <action>
element for
> the login action, some forwards that are specific to only this action:
>     <struts-config>
>         ...
>         <action-mappings>
>             ...
>             <action path="/login"
>                 <forward name="admin" path="/adminMainMenu.jsp"/>
>                 <forward name="manager" path="/customerMainMenu.jsp"/>
>                 <forward name="user" path="/usrMainMenu.jsp"/>
>             </action>
>             ...
>         </action-mappings>
>         ...
>     </struts-config>
> In this scenario, you can do the following at the end of the login action:
>     String role = ... look up the role for this user ...
>     return (mapping.findForward(role));
> to forward control to the menu for your user, without the action having to
> what the JSP page name is -- only the role name.
> In the example above, the forwards "admin", "manager", and "user" are
> locally for this particular action, and are not visible to any other
> You can also define global forwards by nesting them in the
> section instead.  When the findForward() method is executed, it searches
> in the local forwards for this particular action, and then in the global
> forwards.
> >
> > Thanks,
> >
> > Denis Hanson
> Craig McClanahan

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