Allton Paul wrote:

> Sorry to bug, but is there a planned release date for a milestone 1.0
> release?
> Just made the decision to go with Struts and I've been playing with v0.5.
> I'm looking to use it in a production environment so I'm not keen on using
> unstable releases ... but I also dont want to use 0.5 if there are going to
> be major changes ....
> In a nutshell should I deploy with 0.5 now, or is 1.0 immenient?

It is relatively imminent ... but I had to spend a very large amount of November
picking up the pieces and getting Tomcat 3.2 out the door (final release was
last night).  :-(

There have been very substantial changes between 0.5 and the current code base.
I would expect relatively few incompatible changes from the current code to
final release, although there will probably need to be some as we implement the
remaining suggestions and features.

Personally, I would base new development on the current code.

> Finally, currently it seems that for each deployed application you need to
> have struts.jar and all the taglibraries, is it possible to have one
> instance of for container.  Presumably the .jar can just be added to the
> classpath, but how do I share the taglib's .... (I'm using Tomcat)

Yes, you need struts.jar and the tag library descriptors in each web app.

It would be technically feasible to share the struts.jar file by putting it on
the classpath, but that would break the Digester module -- it would no longer be
able to see user classes that really were in WEB-INF/clasess or WEB-INF/lib.

There is no mechanism to share TLDs across web apps.  The whole idea is that a
web app should be a self-contained component that can be installed on any
servlet container, and it will "just work".  Although this ideal is not
completely met yet (primarily due to buggy servlet containers), it is pretty
close to the case.

> Cheers ...
> p.

Craig McClanahan

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