I'll be using ELB's for my application when I start building it
in a few weeks time (still in the design stage). I expect to
be using only EJBs from a action servlet, that are session
beans, and those session beans use entity beans. From previous
work I found there was too much overhead using the entity beans
directly in the generation of a html page, and you rarely
needed that direct conncetion to the database anyway.

As for the references, I'm not sure what you mean. I'll be putting
things like the JNDI and connection information into to web.xml
as startup parameters.

"Boulatian, Misak" wrote:
> Hi all,
> The application we design is quite large. I am still trying to figure out
> the question on EJB references. From the Craig Mcc.'s comment I could put
> those in one startup servlet. Is it a viable solution? I am going to have
> many session references. Where am I going to store those references (in
> servlet context)? How can I make those available to action classes? Or I can
> put only the handle in the servlet context and call lookup in every action
> class (any scalability problems with this approach?). I cannot believe that
> none of you worked in large applications and will not be using EJBs for
> business logic and did not go over this kind of issue.
> I appreciate response,
> Misak Boulatian

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