Laird Nelson wrote:

> Does anyone (Craig) know when 1.0 will be released?  Craig, are you
> holding off for bugfixes or some other piece of functionality?

Well, indirectly it's for functionality that has already been promised, but it's
really been an issue of time :-(.

My original plan was to release a 1.0 beta by the end of November.  That didn't
happen, primarily because I had to go clean up the mess on Tomcat 3.2 and
actually get a release out.  Now that that is done, and the next milestone of
Tomcat 4.0 will happen this week, I *finally* get to focus on Struts in depth
for a couple of weeks.

That being said, I'm going to implement many (but not all) of the requested
features, and get a 1.0 release out as soon as I can -- then proceed immediately
on working on features for 1.1 (which will include remaining things not done in
1.0 plus a bunch of cool new things :-).  Thus, I'm going to focus on things
that need to be in 1.0 to avoid backwards compatibility problems later.

> I'm trying to plan some architectural stuff and want to know whether I
> should base my efforts off the head of the trunk or the 0.5 release.

I would really suggest working off the most recent nightly distributions, rather
than 0.5.  I currently believe that all the changes that might break user code
(like switching ActionForm to be a class) have already been completed --
remaining things added to 1.0 *should not* break user code.

> Thanks in advance.
> Cheers,
> Laird


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