
I want to use a html select with a few options.

Those options are specified in resourcebundles for different locales.

I have a CustomForm class:

class CustomForm 
    public String[] getOptionValues()
        return new String[]{"resourcekey1","resourcekey2"}

    public String[] getOptionLabels()
        String[] asValues = getOptionValues();
        String[] asLabels = new String[_asValues .length];
        org.apache.struts.util.MessageResources messages = servlet.getResources();
        for (int i = 0; i < asWaarden.length; i++)
            asLabels[i] = messages.getMessage(asValues [i]);
        return asLabels;

i use this in a JSP page:

      <struts:select property="optionvalue">
        <struts:options property="optionValues"   labelProperty="optionLabels"/>

This goes well for the default locale, but if i let the user changes it's locale then
everything changes with it except the options in the select!!

This is because the messages.getMessage(asValues [i]); call the 
message.getMessage(Locale locale ,xxxx)
with the locale as a null property.
And when the MessageResources class gets a null locale it uses the default locale of 
the server.
So when the server has a locale nl_NL and the users selects a different one: en_US
everything else that uses <struts:message xxxx/> changes but not the options.

Can i get the handle to the current session object in a ActionForm bean?
Why not set the Session object also so that we have much more power/data at our hands?
So why nog change the protected ActionForm processActionForm into this:

 protected ActionForm processActionForm(ActionMapping mapping, HttpServletRequest 

  // Is there a form bean associated with this mapping?
 String attribute = mapping.getAttribute();
  if (attribute == null)
   return (null);

  // Look up the existing form bean, if any
  if (debug >= 1)
   log(" Looking for ActionForm bean under attribute '" +  attribute + "'");
 ActionForm instance = null;
 HttpSession session = null;
  if ("request".equals(mapping.getScope())) {
   instance = (ActionForm) request.getAttribute(attribute);
  } else {
   session = request.getSession();
   instance = (ActionForm) session.getAttribute(attribute);
  if (instance != null)
  instance.setSession(session); //ADDED
   return (instance);

  // Create a new form bean if we need to
  if (debug >= 1)
   log(" Creating new ActionForm instance");
  String name = mapping.getName();
  String className = null;
  ActionFormBean formBean = findFormBean(name);
  if (formBean != null)
   className = formBean.getType();
  if (className != null) {
   try {
    Class clazz = Class.forName(className);
    instance = (ActionForm) clazz.newInstance();
   } catch (Throwable t) {
    log("Error creating ActionForm instance of class '" +
     className + "'", t);
  if (instance == null)
   return (null);

  // Store the newly created bean in the appropriate scope
  if (debug >= 1)
   log(" Storing instance under attribute '" +
    attribute + "'");
  if ("request".equals(mapping.getScope()))
   request.setAttribute(attribute, instance);
   session.setAttribute(attribute, instance);

    instance.setSession(session); //ADDED

  return (instance);


Johan Compagner

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