Thx for the reply,

I made my own ErrorTag for now.
I hope this behaviour will be added in struts itself.
I attached my own solution...
Here is the xml defenition.


Johan Compagner

P.S. what does <rtexprvalue>true</rtexprvalue> exactly do?

> I have implemented an <xxx:ifErrorExists> and <xxx:ifErrorMissing> tag. Here's the 
>doc of these tags:
> ifErrorExists - tests if a specific error exists, for a specific property
> Executes its body if a specific error is found. If name is not specified, the tag 
>checks if one or more
> errors exist for the specified property. If name is specified, then the tag checks 
>that the specific
> error exists for the specified property. If not specified, the property defaults to 
>the "global"
> property, i.e., the tag searches for global errors, not associated with any property.
>     Attribute                                          Description
>                  Should be omitted in most cases. Name of the request scope bean 
>under which a String[]
>    errorsName    object has possibly been stored. [The value of the 
>                  constant string].
>       name       Name of the specific error to test.
>     property     Name of the property the error is associated with.
> ifErrorMissing - tests if a specific error exists
> Executes its body if a specific error is not found.If name is not specified, the tag 
>checks if one or
> more errors exist for the specified property. If name is specified, then the tag 
>checks that the specific
> error exists for the specified property. If not specified, the property defaults to 
>the "global"
> property, i.e., the tag searches for global errors, not associated with any property.
>     Attribute                                          Description
>                  Should be omitted in most cases. Name of the request scope bean 
>under which a String[]
>    errorsName    object has possibly been stored. [The value of the 
>                  constant string].
>       name       Name of the specific error to test.
>     property     Name of the property the error is associated with.
> This allows you to put an image or a text behind a form field if there is one or 
>more errors associated
> with this field.
> I would of course be honored if these tags were put in the struts distribution.
> The code of these tags is trivial, but I can mail it to you if you want.

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