Thanks for that, Oleg, now here's my take on this.

I have created another tag called WriteNumberTag which contains lots of code 
stolen from WriteTag and MessageTag, and contains a mix of parameters from 
the pair of them.

Usage is like WriteTag, except that you *must* supply a property parameter. 

<bean:writenumber name="mybankaccount" property="value"/>

What will then happen is as well as calling getValue() on the mybankaccount 
bean, it will also call getValuenumberformat(). This returns a string which 
is a key into your application resources. The value of this key represents 
the format string which is passed into a DecimalFormat object. e.g.


The value returned from getValue() is then formatted with the resultant 
string. Note the getValue function could either return a primative (such as 
int) or a wrapper object (such as java.lang.Integer).

If the getValue function returns a wrapper object and that object is null, 
WriteNumberTag will take the format key you returned from 
getValuenumberformat() and append “_null” to the end and tries to look this 
up in the application resources, writing this value out if it exists. e.g,


If you don’t like the idea of providing a getXxxxxnumberformat() function, 
then a property in the tag called formatkey bypasses this and just uses this 
key. e.g.

<bean:writenumber name="mybankaccount" property="value" 
formatkey="mynumberformat.test1" />

That’s right, it’s a KEY, not a format. If I made it just a format string 
then it would just encourage you guys to write non internationalised stuff 

Obviously it tries to use the current session locale, but you can override 
this in the tag.

Properties supported through tag:
filter, name, property, scope – just like bean:write
locale, bundle – just like bean:message
formatkey – new, see above.

implementation notes:
The DecimalFormat objects are cached for speed (these things are probably 
going to be used a lot). The cache is a map keyed on 

Yes, I should really cache the DecimalFormatSymbols objects.

And yeah, the formatting is pants. I use VisualAge for Java which means I’m 
looking at one method at a time, not the whole file.

Anyways let me know what you think. Does anybody want to put this in the 
struts distribution?



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getter.access=IllegalAccessException accessing property {0} of bean {1}
getter.argument=IllegalArgumentException: {0}
getter.bean=No bean found for attribute key {0}
getter.invocation=InvocationTargetException accessing property {0} of bean 
{1}: {2} {0}
getter.method=No property getter method for property {0} of bean {1}
getter.parameter=No parameter {0} was included in this request
getter.resource=No resource {0} available in this application
getter.scope=Invalid bean scope {0} specified must specify a name attribute if the property attribute is 
messageTag.message=Missing message for key {0}
messageTag.resources=Missing resources attribute {0}
writeNumberTag.noformatter=Unable to retrieve DecimalFormat object for 
message key {0}

writenumber org.apache.struts.taglib.bean2.WriteNumberTag empty filter false false name true true property true true scope false true formatkey false true locale false true bundle false true

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