> Is 1.0 going to have full support for nested and indexed properties?  I have y forms 
>which use property names such as "apples[2].oranges[3]" and I would
> really appreciate it if this was supported in 1.0.  It's a simple change to 
> support this since PropertyUtils already does it.  All that needs to be done 

Its indeed a simple change. I'm also running a modified version of struts
capable to use nested and indexed properties. I would too like this feature
to be incorparated into struts.

> is to make BeanUtils.populate use PropertyUtils.setProperty (with maybe some 
> hacking around to make PropertyUtils support type conversion, but all the code 
> for that is already in BeanUtils).  If you're going to support getting complex 
> properties like this (and setting them, with PropertyUtils), why not support 
> full bean population with them?

> Also, will 1.0 support some way to use JSP variables in property names?  For 
> example, I have JSP pages with present the user a table full of form input boxes
> and I want to generate it simple with a for loop in a scriptlet.  However, I 
> couldn't do this before because you can't have 
> <struts-form:text property="apples[<%= i %>]">

Use <struts-form:text property='<%= "apples["+ i +"]" %>'>. This is not a
struts thing, it's the JSP spec that leads to this syntax.

> Is there a way around this now?  Will there be with 1.0?

See above.

Matthias                        (mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED])

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