I had a question about this part of PropertyUtils.java.
           public static PropertyDescriptor getPropertyDescriptor(Object bean,
                      String name)
     PropertyDescriptor descriptors[] = getPropertyDescriptors(bean);
     if (descriptors == null)
        return (null);
     for (int i = 0; i < descriptors.length; i++) {
         if (name.equals(descriptors[i].getName()))
              return (descriptors[i]);
The method getPropertyDescriptor 
and iterates through them to get a match on the name.
Incase the Bean class contains
      ArrayList items;
It requires to have 2 getItems methods
 1)   ArrayList getItems() - to be used when you use the
            <logic:iterate name="Beanname" property="items" >
2)  It also requires an indexed getter
        Item getItem(int index)
    to handle the form input fields within the iterate tag.
If you find the wrong descriptor first, you get a NoSuchMethodException
I propose getPropertyDescriptor take another parameter (which says whether its an Indexed
property we are looking for) or create another
I'll probably do that to handle nested, indexed properties to get <logic:iterate> to work...


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