The database servlet in the Example application has the advantage of being able to run "out of the box", without going to the trouble of installing a real JDBC DBMS, like PostGresSQL, MySQL, et al.
For several reasons, the Example database servlet would not scale in a multiuser environment, and so, yes, in a production application, you would use a JDBC DBMS, for all the usual reasons.
I'm working on the some sample JDBC utilities now. Yesterday's example is at < >. Tomorrow's version should include examples of filling form fields with database results, and maybe a JSP for sending an arbitrary query, and getting back a dynamic HTML table.
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On 1/4/2001 at 3:46 PM [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:Hi,

In the Struts example,  the user details *and* password are stored together
in an XML file. In a real web application, would it be better (and secure) if
 the password is placed in another file?

Also, I'm thinking of storing them not in XML but in a 'normal' database like
DB2. What could be the advantages/disadvantages of doing this?

Thanks in advance.


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