At 12:26 PM 1/4/01 -0800, Craig R. McClanahan wrote:
>When you say "JSDK" classes, I hope you mean the "servlet.jar" file that
>contains the current version of the servlet API classes :-).

Yes, I meant the jar file containing the Servlets 2.2 implementation. Since 
Tomcat calls it servlet.jar and Resin calls it jsdk22.jar, I got lazy and 
just referred to it as the JSDK. I figured people would know what I meant. :-)

>The guilty party is undoubtedly BeanUtils.populate() -- one of the 
>variants here
>takes an HttpServletRequest as an argument, so it requires the servlet API
>classes.  I will look at the code dependencies of Digester, and can maybe use
>PropertyUtils directly instead -- but is having struts.jar + servlet.jar
>available on your classpath (plus an XML parser of course) *really* too 
>much to

I guess not *really*. It just seems a bit weird to require the JSDK for a 
standalone Java application. Since what I'm doing is for my own use, it's 
not a big deal, but it would be an odd requirement to have to list if I was 
giving the app to other people.

Martin Cooper
Tumbleweed Communications

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