James Howe wrote:

> I want to generate a link tag for a page which takes three parameters.  The
> values of the parameter come from a bean which is available to the
> page.  The end result should look something like this:
> <a href="foo.do?parm1=val1&parm2=val2&parm3=val3">Link</a>
> The values for val1, val2 and val3 come from a bean which happens to be the
> current bean for an iterate tag.  In other words, I'm going to have a table
> of items and each cell in the table is going to have unique values for the
> parameters.
> What is the easiest way to do this using struts?  I've used the form:link
> tag before, but I think I can only pass one parameter with this tag.  I've
> tried using snippets of java code ("<%= bean.getFoo() %>" for example) but
> this code ended up being quite verbose because I had to cast "bean" to the
> proper type before I could call "getFoo()".  I'm thinking there must be a
> cleaner way to handle this situation.  The only other way I've thought
> about would be to have the bean answer an "optionsString" as one of its
> properties, but I would rather not have that code in my bean.

The Struts 1.0 version of the <form:link> tag lets you use the "name" (or "name"
and "property") attributes to identify a Map that contains request parameters to
be added to the end of the request URI.  You might find it useful for this

> Thanks for any suggestions.


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