Dennis wrote:

> Hello,
> I'm new to struts, and trying to kick the tires a little but I'm having a
> problem using the iterate tag.  I have a Bean called DataObjects that
> contains a Vector called 'objects'.  The vector contains beans with a single
> member variable called 'name'.  In the Action class, I use
> request.setAttribute("dos", objects)
> to make the bean visible.  When I use the following in my .jsp file, I get
> an error stating "javax.servlet.ServletException: No bean found for
> attribute key row".  It must be something simple, but I can't seem to find
> the problem.

There was a bug in the iterate tag a couple of weeks ago, where it would not
actually create the "row" variable for you.  This has been fixed with recent
nightly builds -- could you try it again with last night's?


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