I'm trying to use the ActionServlet, running on Orion Server.
I'm using the following in web.xml:
I've defined a root /OtherWorld where my app resides, and have a class TryAction.class on the path.
Then I have the following in <action-mapping> of struts-config.xml:
  <action path="/try" actionClass="TryAction" >
Then when I call localhost/OtherWorld, to take me to the HTML home page, the page displays successfully.
However, when I call localhost/OtherWorld/try.do, the Digester chokes. I get
java.net.MalformedURLException: unknown protocol: jndi
What happens is that the Digester tries to map the name of the DTD file for struts to the local struts-config_1_0.dtd file. The exception gets thrown when the Digester's resolveEntity() method tries to construct a new URL from the string
The strange thing is, that when I did the initial call to localhost/OtherWorld, the trace shows that the Digester got past exactly the same line and successfully did the resolveEntity on the exact same string, without any exceptions.
Why does it crash when it tries to do it a second time??

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