I’m using the Digester class in an EJB. It works great under JRun.

We’re moving our apps to WebLogic and I’ve been having a couple of problems.

Since the Digester uses Class.forName(“className”) to load and create classes, the classes it creates

while ‘Digesting’ must be loadable from the ClassLoader that struts.jar is using.

Since my classes are in an EJB and struts.jar is in the System ClassLoader I get

a ClassNotFoundException when parsing. I’m not sure how to get around this

problem without either putting the EJB classes in the System classpath, or extracting

the Digester classes from the struts.jar and putting them into my EJB.jar file.


Am I missing something?


Richard Bothne

Senior Software Engineer

Xporta, Inc.

275 Saratoga Avenue Suite 260

Santa Clara, CA 95050

408-556-1422 [direct]

408-556-1400 [main]

408-556-1401 [fax]





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