I have problems with struts-example from yesterday nightly build, 01/25
that is. I have installed it by copying the .war into webapps and 
restarting tomcat.

I am using tomcat-3.2.1, and java-1.2.2 on solaris.

When I click on index.jsp and then on "* Register with the MailReader 
Demonstration Application" link I get: 

Not Found
The requested URL
/struts-example/editRegistration.do;jsessionid=l8lb9hzr31 was not found
on this server.

Is this a problem with struts or my particular setup?


Rajan Gupta wrote:
> I copied struts-example.war to the tomcat/webappa directory & started
> tomcat. I get a ClassNotFoundException: org.apache.struts.example.User
> I am using JDK 1.3. Any body else encountered a similar problem.
> Thanks
> Rajan

Florin Iucha

"you have moved your mouse, please reboot to make this change take

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