
I started with a sample application.  I'm going to use it for a production
version once the specifications are complete.  FYI, I watch the commits on the
struts-dev list to see if any of the fixes are bugs that I'm having.  I suggest
the same especially when you are in production.

If you start with 1.0 now and you need to deploy later in February I would think
you would be ok.  I can't comment on error-less.  I know there have been
significant changes since 0.5 that make it easier to use.  BTW, I'm told that
1.0 supports the 0.5 syntax.

Maybe Craig can answer you direct concern about 'error-less version' as compared
to 0.5 version?

I assume, since you have looked at this quite a while you don't have the
struts.jar in your classpath right?

Sorry I was of no help.  You will have to wait for one of the more 'seasoned'
people to help.


Frederic BAGES wrote:
>         Thank you Steven for your remarks. I had checked all of these before
> sending my first mail but it was not any of these. I've tried anything i had
> in mind and now it's working. I don't really know why but i think it can be
> a case (not all in uppercase ?) problem on the WEB-INF directory (I'm using
> a Win.. named OS that don't show the case in the file explorer).
>         You also said that struts 1.0 is comming soon but do you think it can be
> considered as an error-less version ? (i.e. can I use it on a production
> server ?)
>         Frederic
> -----Message d'origine-----
> De : Steven D. Wilkinson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Envoyé : lundi 29 janvier 2001 18:38
> Objet : Re: JSP probleme
> Which version of struts are you using?
> Note my answer is how you do it in struts 1.0 (actually form the 01-28-2001
> source download)
> I'm not sure how to do it in 0.5.  If you are just starting and trying to
> use
> 0.5, I suggest you start with one of the nightly source distributions
> because
> 1.0 should be released shortly.  Just some bug fixes and documentation
> updates
> as I hear on the mail lists.
> That said....
> The tag library descriptors must be in your WEB-INF and registered in your
> web.xml and you must reference them properly in the JSP page.
> <tomcat-home>/webapps/animation/WEB-INF/struts-bean.tld
>                                         struts-html.tld
>                                         struts-logic.tld
>                                         struts-template.tld
>                                         struts.tld
> In your web.xml
> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
> <!DOCTYPE web-app
>   PUBLIC "-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD Web Application 2.2//EN"
>   "">
> <web-app>
>   .. other stuff here Note, refer to DTD about location of taglib.  it's at
> the
> bottom if you are not using any ejb stuff.
>   <!-- Struts Tag Library Descriptors -->
>   <taglib>
>     <taglib-uri>/WEB-INF/struts-bean.tld</taglib-uri>
>     <taglib-location>/WEB-INF/struts-bean.tld</taglib-location>
>   </taglib>
>   <taglib>
>     <taglib-uri>/WEB-INF/struts-html.tld</taglib-uri>
>     <taglib-location>/WEB-INF/struts-html.tld</taglib-location>
>   </taglib>
>   <taglib>
>     <taglib-uri>/WEB-INF/struts-logic.tld</taglib-uri>
>     <taglib-location>/WEB-INF/struts-logic.tld</taglib-location>
>   </taglib>
> </web-app>
> You only need to enter the ones that you are using.  This is from the
> struts-example/WEB-INF/web.xml file.
> Then in you JSP page put this...
> <%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/struts-bean.tld" prefix="bean" %>
> <%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/struts-html.tld" prefix="html" %>
> <%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/struts-logic.tld" prefix="logic" %>
> Note, the file in the uri determines the name and location of the tlds.  The
> prefix is upto you.
> Good luck,
> Steve
> Frederic BAGES wrote:
> >
> >  Hi all, i'm new to Struts and i have i problem that seems to concern
> Tomcat
> > and Struts.
> >
> >         I've installed Strut and the two exemples WAR files under tomcat
> 3.2. the
> > exemples are just running fine but when i try to run my own jsp file i
> have
> > an error from the jsp compiler.
> >
> > org.apache.jasper.compiler.CompileException:
> > C:\jakarta-tomcat-3.2.1\webapps\animation\logon.jsp(1,0) Unable to open
> > taglibrary /WEB-INF/struts.tld : Could not locate TLD META-INF/taglib.tld
> >         at
> >
> org.apache.jasper.compiler.JspParseEventListener.handleDirective(JspParseEve
> >, Compiled Code)
> >         at
> >
> org.apache.jasper.compiler.DelegatingListener.handleDirective(DelegatingList
> >
> >         at org.apache.jasper.compiler.Parser$Directive.accept(,
> Compiled
> > Code)
> >         at org.apache.jasper.compiler.Parser.parse(, Compiled
> Code)
> >         at org.apache.jasper.compiler.Parser.parse(
> >         at org.apache.jasper.compiler.Parser.parse(
> >         at org.apache.jasper.compiler.Compiler.compile(,
> Compiled
> > Code)
> >         at
> org.apache.jasper.servlet.JspServlet.doLoadJSP(
> >         .....
> >
> >  My JSP file and the corresponding classes (LogonForm and LogonAction) are
> > just copies of the examples with some little changes.
> >
> >         Does anyone could help me ?
> >
> >         Thanks.
> >
> >         Frederic.
> >
> > The JSP file is following :
> >
> > <%@ page language="java" %>
> > <%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/struts.tld" prefix="struts" %>
> >
> > <html>
> > <head>
> > <title>Titletitle>
> > </head>
> > <body bgcolor="white">
> >
> > <struts:errors/>
> >
> > <struts:form action="" name="logonForm" focus="username"
> >                type="com.infusio.gamezilla.portal.LogonForm">
> > <table border="0" width="100%">
> >
> >   <tr>
> >     <th align="right">
> >       User name :
> >     </th>
> >     <td align="left">
> >       <struts:text property="username" size="16" maxlength="16"/>
> >     </td>
> >   </tr>
> >
> >   <tr>
> >     <th align="right">
> >       Password :
> >     </th>
> >     <td align="left">
> >       <struts:password property="password" size="16" maxlength="16"/>
> >     </td>
> >   </tr>
> >
> >   <tr>
> >     <td align="right">
> >       <struts:submit property="submit" value="Submit"/>
> >     </td>
> >     <td align="left">
> >       <struts:reset/>
> >     </td>
> >   </tr>
> >
> > </table>
> >
> > </struts:form>
> >
> > </body>
> > </html>

Steven D. Wilkinson, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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